Jaywalker Lodge is not a rehab. It’s not simply a treatment facility either. Jaywalker Lodge is based on something more than either of those models. We don’t really get sober in rehab – we get sober in a community. Recovery doesn’t happen in a hospital, it happens in the shift of how we relate to our day to day lives.
Recovery is more than stopping physical addiction – a whole lot more. We understand these key differences. Physical sobriety and abstinence are only one level of recovery. They are but the barest beginning. A life of recovery must be full of growth, joy, and happiness, or else what’s the point? A sober life is not about penance for our past. It is exclusively about hope for the future and joy for today.
The Jaywalker Way
So at Jaywalker Lodge we do everything a little bit different – we do it the Jaywalker way. The Lodge is our flagship, our foundation, our heart and soul. We help men with alcoholism, addiction, and co-occurring mental health issues. And we do it in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, away from the hustle and bustle of modern life. Here we can get right down to what matters. We can reconnect with nature, center ourselves in peace and mindfulness, and engage in fun and challenging physical activity. These everyday offerings are more than amenities.
They are an important part of our multiple pathways of treatment and recovery, which combine to create a more full and holistic approach to living in recovery. If you’re going to begin the journey of recovery, but you’re not going to build a better life as you walk that road, you probably won’t keep trekking.
Building on the 12-Steps
Jaywalker Lodge is in it for the long-haul. Of course abstinence from drugs and alcohol is the first piece of the puzzle, but in a lot of other places the rest of the puzzle is left out. We don’t shy away from those missing pieces. The 12-Steps are all over the Lodge. They’re integral. The love they inspire, the higher power they introduce us to, and the community they foster are our real bread and butter.
For a lot of people new to recovery the ideas of love, faith, and community are uncomfortable concepts to wrestle with. We understand that most people who come to us don’t think it’s possible to find joy, love, faith, and community in our lives. But we know that it’s more than possible – it’s readily available and downright necessary.
We don’t shy away from intimacy. You’ll know you’re loved here, and more than that you’ll learn how to accept it and love yourself and others. Faith is an ever-expanding journey that each of us takes individually. No matter what your personal outlook may be, you can begin that rewarding journey here with us.
If you’ve never known a sense of belonging – well, we specialize in that. Initiating and supporting a thriving community of alumni is one of our greatest achievements. Through service, meetings, activities, and just hanging out, Jaywalker Lodge has built the community we longed for and there’s plenty of room here for you. In fact, we’d love to have you.
The Life You Deserve
We believe that everyone deserves to experience a life free of alcohol and drug addiction. Even more than that, we believe everyone deserves to experience a life full of joy. We foster that process through Jaywalker Lodge. The schedule is built to facilitate healing, growth, and discovery, and to teach everyone how to build a full, meaningful life.
You can get sober in a lot of ways but to really know the happiness of recovery, you have to work to allow your life to get big enough to hold all the blessings. You have to believe it’s possible for you. That’s what we believe, and we back that up in every aspect of what we do.
The mind, body, and spirit get wrecked by alcoholism and drug addiction, trauma, and mental health issues. We work through that with you every step of the way. Addiction recovery, physical wellness, spiritual fitness, and mental health care are a part of every day at Jaywalker Lodge.
We want to help equip you to live your best life across the board. That’s why we do things a little differently here. We want every Jaywalker to understand that they can flourish mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. We are not just about getting you sober – we are about showing you how to live to the fullest in recovery. We want you to keep the hope alive that your life can be more than you ever imagined.
We Are Here for You
We do what we do so that you can learn things about yourself you didn’t know. So you can heal wounds you thought would never leave you. So you can learn to love and join us in brotherhood as we continue to grow our community.
Our ultimate goal is for you to experience a life in recovery that is beyond your wildest dreams – a life that is full of meaning, abundance, and joy. Getting sober isn’t about being afraid to die, and recovery isn’t about losing who you are. Recovery is about learning who you really are, and working to build a life so full of happiness, freedom, and joy that your very existence makes the world a better place.
Maybe you’ve never attempted recovery before. Maybe you’ve tried it multiple times, but it never stuck. That was us, too. And now we’re here. We know the stumbling blocks, and we are uniquely equipped to give you a leg up on those pitfalls. Accept the truth that life in recovery is not a punishment for our past, but the promise of a brighter future. Let Jaywalker Lodge show you all that your life can offer. Call us today at (866) 529-9255.