What Can I Do When Things Get Tough?

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Everything in the world may seem pretty topsy-turvy these days. It’s understandable in times of chaos to lose our bearings. However, it isn’t just global scale events that can throw us off. Regular life can occasionally get hectic all on its own. The same keystones of recovery hold true, whether it’s a worldwide crisis or just a bummer week. Things ebb and flow, flourish and fade. The rhythm of life is order and chaos, yin and yang. This is a natural part of life.

Recovery does not stop life from being life, but what it can do is provide direction in the storms of life. Recovery is the lighthouse, always showing us the way to safe harbor and keeping us from hitting the rocks. The reality is that sometimes things will get tough. The principles of recovery taught at Jaywalker Lodge give us helpful guides when life is less than ideal. A happy and useful life isn’t about things being perfect and easy all the time – it’s about having peace, joy, and usefulness no matter what the times are like.

So what can we do in troubling circumstances? Every day, Jaywalker Lodge works to provide recovering addicts with answers.

Keep Recovery at the Center

To maintain our balance when things get rocky, it is crucial that we keep our feet on a firm foundation. There is no more versatile or helpful foundation than recovery. Without our sobriety, there is virtually no chance we will be able to do much that is helpful, healthy, or positive. So when life throws us a curve, we can bolster our recovery efforts in the following ways:

  • Attending an extra meeting or two per week
  • Calling our sponsor and our sober friends more often
  • Seeking out opportunities to be of service, beyond our regular avenues
  • Doing more 12-Step work, keeping our eyes especially on 10, 6, 7, 11, and 12

The 12-Steps give us daily directions which can provide some healthy routine when our normal lives are disrupted. They also give us good direction for how to handle, process, and respond to the many situations that we may encounter on a daily basis. With just a small extra effort, we can keep the comforting support of recovery always under our feet. This will make even the rockiest journey seem a little smoother.

Pay Attention to Our Health

Strange times can cause us to unconsciously lean on comforting habits that may actually be bad for our overall health. Good health across all our dimensions is a huge part of remaining peaceful and effective in sobriety. We have the 12-Steps and our chosen spiritual organizations to see to our spiritual health. We have friends, therapists, doctors, and again the 12-Steps for our mental health. We also have our physical health to consider.

Habits can pop up when we are troubled, like taking solace in food, sleeping too much, or putting things off. They may seem like bits of relief, but habits like these often injure our health. We must remain watchful over what we eat – the fuel we give our bodies determines a lot of how well they feel and function. Healthy food keeps us feeling better in body, mind, and spirit. We must also keep our sleep schedules right. Too much or too little sleep can negatively impact our moods, mental health, and performance. Get the right amount of sleep that your body needs.

Self-care is nearly as vital as working the 12-Steps. After all, a healthy body is a better vehicle for a fit spirit and a well mind.

Help Yourself

In recovery at Jaywalker Lodge, we never have to go through anything alone. All the help we will ever need is available in our higher power and through our sober community. Yet it is still important that we give ourselves a fighting chance. If we see a therapist for our peace of mind but never pray and meditate, are we really doing all we can to be on our own team? It may seem like a small oversight, but the small things can add up to be big things.

When times are emotionally taxing, it is imperative that we stay rooted in the program and care for our health – but it is just as important that we pray, meditate, and stay connected to our people. We should open up to people when we are hurting. We are asked to pray when we are agitated or doubtful. We would be wise to meditate when our minds are addled or agitated. There are lots of little things we can do to give ourselves a leg up in trying times. It is up to us to look with clear eyes to try to find those little things – and then it is our task to take responsibility for them.

Help Others

The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous tells us that working with others is the thing that works when all other activities fail. When we have tried everything and are still coming up short, we can look to who we may help. In doing so, our problems often lessen – but what certainly happens is that we feel better for having helped ease the burden of another.

Situated in the Rocky Mountains, the Jaywalker Lodge community is based in personal growth, genuine recovery, and authentic personal interactions. When we help each other, we all succeed together.

If you’re having a tough time, you’re not alone. We’ve been there before, and we are experts at helping people through the rough patches. Jaywalker Lodge provides healing and hope by treating each day as a promise of our future, not as a consequence of our past. If you’re looking for a safe place to get you through one of life’s storms, call us now at (866) 529-9255.

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Stefan Bate, MA, LAC, CCTP Chief Clinical Officer
Stefan Bate, BA, MA, LAC holds a Master's Degree in Applied Psychology from Regis University and is a Licensed Addiction Counselor in the state of Colorado. Stefan has wide-ranging experience in the field of addiction recovery including: working as a recovery coach, therapist, and program director.

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Jaywalker provides a specialized and personalized approach for men facing substance abuse, guiding them towards sustainable sobriety while fostering a robust camaraderie among peers on the journey to recovery.
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