At Jaywalker Lodge, we let our beliefs guide our actions. In fact, we let our beliefs determine everything we do here. We believe there is a solution to alcoholism and addiction. We believe that solution works. That’s been true for us, and we believe it can be the truth for anyone who comes to us. We are passionate about what we believe in, and we let that influence every choice we make and every action we take.
We believe so strongly in the 12-Step program of recovery and what it’s done for us as people and as a facility to help people recover that we embrace its influence in every aspect of the Jaywalker Lodge programs. Through years of helping alcoholics and addicts find recovery and being active in recovery ourselves, we have formed some core beliefs here at Jaywalker Lodge. These beliefs are our heart, our compass, and what makes Jaywalker Lodge different. So you can better understand who we are and what we believe, we are sharing each of our 12 principle beliefs — also known as our “We Believe” statements — with you.
Recovery Is a Promise, Not a Punishment
We believe that effective treatment is not a consequence of our addiction, but a promise of our future together in recovery. To put it another way, lasting and long-term recovery is not penance or punishment for our past mistakes in addiction — not at all. Truly meaningful and lasting recovery is nothing less than the promise of a bright future, filled with hope, purpose, freedom, and joy. At Jaywalker Lodge, one of our primary missions is to do everything we can to help each man who comes to us fully experience the truth behind this belief. If recovery is not felt and recognized as a vibrant, hopeful, and positive way to experience and live life, there is sadly little chance that anyone will want to stay for long.
A great many alcoholics and addicts have not only lost hope, but they don’t even feel they deserve to be hopeful. This heartbreaking outlook is part of what drives Jaywalker Lodge to impress upon all our men that hope is not only alive and well, but readily available to them. All that’s necessary to begin feeling hopeful again is to allow it in, and then take a little action. We have first-hand, personal experience with the pain and devastation of alcoholism and addiction. Living in the active disease is punishment enough. There’s no need for further penalties.
One of the 12-Steps specifically deals with righting the past where we can, and once that’s done we leave the past in the past. From that point on, our mistakes and pain in active alcoholism and addiction become a beacon of hope to others, proving how recovery can work miracles in anyone’s life. Our past becomes an asset in recovery, but it’s not something we have to pay for. Recovery is not a lifetime of restitution, it is a lifetime of freedom. Once we’ve cleaned up the wreckage of our past through the 12-Step process, it stops weighing us down and starts lifting us and others up.
Learn How Much Is Possible
Recovery is not a life sentence, it is a life statement — a reaffirmation of life, and a new promise of hope, happiness, freedom, fulfillment, belonging, and purpose. And all of this is available to any alcoholic or addict who is willing to put in the work. The 12-Step program can work for anyone who honestly works it with an open mind.
At Jaywalker Lodge, we offer multiple stages of help, each one designed to facilitate the strongest foundation for your next step in recovery. We believe so whole-heartedly in the promise of a bright future in recovery that our entire operation is designed to prove how possible life in recovery can be. We know and remember well the toll that time spent in active addiction and alcoholism can take, and so we engage in a holistic healing process. Using the 12-Steps, mental and emotional health treatments like therapy and counseling, trauma healing, and even nutrition and physical activity, we allow our men to experience for themselves the kind of vibrant, wonderful life that anyone in recovery can have.
On top of that, many who come to us remain involved, giving us an active alumni community who attend meetings, outings, and service events with those new to Jaywalker Lodge. Those who have stepped fully into the promise of recovery return of their own volition to act as living proof of the amazing and life-altering 12-Step program of recovery, facilitated only as Jaywalker Lodge can. Our bright future together in recovery is on full display here. We don’t just talk about how good it can be — we show how good it is.
Find Freedom at Jaywalker Lodge
Jaywalker Lodge is not in the business of consequences. We are in the business of healing, breaking free from alcoholism and addiction, and learning how to live healthy, active, full lives in recovery. These things are available to anyone, and we mean that. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve tried and slipped — that was us for a long while, too. Then we put the pieces together, allowed hope to live again, embraced the personal meaning of the 1st-Step, and engaged completely with an active life in the recovery community. At Jaywalker Lodge, we offer this same experience to others. Not to pay for your past or just get sober, but to understand your disease and learn how to live in freedom, and to integrate yourself into an active and thriving community of men flourishing in recovery and living out the bright futures we all deserve.
Alcoholism and addiction can seldom be overcome by the individual alone. We must be willing to embrace a life of recovery and everything that entails. If you earnestly desire to achieve and maintain long-term recovery but have been unsuccessful in your efforts, Jaywalker Lodge may have the missing tools you need. Join us and let us show you how life-changing recovery can be.
To learn more, call Jaywalker Lodge today at (866) 529-9255.