By: Dirk Eldredge
“There is one key to happiness: Gratitude.
Gratitude and discontent cannot co-exist.
They’re like light and darkness.
Choose Gratitude daily and you will find joy.”
Seems so simple right……….
My recovery makes everything else possible in my life.
Being a Father , a husband , a friend and a member of our family.
All of this I’m most grateful for.
Yet, losing sight of the light I found through gratitude, while I drop back into darkness, is so easy to do.
During this holiday, I hope each of us can find peace and centeredness through the absolute abundance of grace we have been granted.
Tell everyone close to you that you love them and you appreciate them, as they may be gone tomorrow.
During this season I want to “Pause” and just “Be”.
How about realizing that we are all in this together and that Love is the answer to every question.
I’m grateful for my Jaywalker Family and hope that everyone in our field can pause and sit in gratitude during this Thanksgiving.