The Importance of Giving Back in Recovery Treatment

The Importance of Giving Back in Recovery Treatment

From a purely medical standpoint, altruism does not seem like an appropriate treatment for alcoholism and addiction. However, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the 12-Step program has an intense focus on altruism and just so happens to be among the most effective, successful, and versatile treatment methods for alcoholism and addiction […]

The Gift of Responsibility


Responsibility is often overlooked when it comes to treating alcoholism and addiction. Jaywalker Lodge understands that freedom is proportional to the responsibility we accept for our lives. And freedom is what recovery is all about — freedom from alcoholism and addiction, freedom from our grosser handicaps, and freedom to live a life of happiness, joy, […]

What Will Life Be Like in Recovery?


This is one of the most common questions we have as newcomers: what will life be like in recovery? We all want to know what’s going to change. Everything can change in recovery, but what changes is primarily up to us. Are we willing to do things differently? It’s going to be what we make of it, […]

How Can I Deal With My Guilt?

How Can I Deal With My Guilt?

Guilt is something that we all experience, no matter who we are. Whether it’s caused by something in our past or present, everyone will experience guilt at one point or another. Guilt is a natural thing to feel, but it becomes destructive when it lingers beyond its usefulness, follows us everywhere, weighs us down, or […]

Will I Ever Be Happy?

Will I ever be happy

This is not a trivial question, and it crosses the mind of every human being at least a few times in their life. This question gets asked often when we are new to recovery. For many of us, our lives are in shambles when we get here. We’ve been through a really rough time. And […]

The Value of Fellowship in Recovery

The Value of Fellowship in Recovery

We usually only hear the word “fellowship” in popular movies about hobbits or in the rooms of recovery. Many chalk the word’s meaning up to a group of people walking to Mordor or getting coffee after a meeting. Is that all it really means? The word “fellowship” may be a recovery colloquialism, but it holds […]

The Benefits of the Great Outdoors

Young black man wearing trendy hipster clothes standing on rocks overlooking sea, spreading his arms, feeling carefree and happy, smiling, breathing fresh air. People, lifestyle and traveling

At Jaywalker Lodge, we take a holistic approach to recovery treatment. We understand the all-encompassing nature of the disease of alcoholism and addiction. This understanding drives us to pursue every effective method of recovery treatment and enhancement. We leave no stone unturned and deny no positive influence. We incorporate therapy (both individual and group methodologies) […]

I Keep Slipping In My Recovery. What Can I Do?

Man zipping up his jacket in the cold

It is an unfortunate and sometimes devastating experience, but slips and relapses do happen. For some of us in recovery, they are part of our story — but they do not need to be. Some people find recovery without relapse. Some people never make it back from a relapse. For each of us, our recovery story […]

It Works if You Work It: Recovery Takes Dedication

By now, most of us have heard the unofficial 12-Step program slogan: “It works if you work it!” Most newcomers to the rooms of recovery get an earful of this phrase after just about every meeting. It’s certainly thrown around enough that most of us stop really hearing it after a while. And we certainly […]

Taking It One Day at a Time

One Day at a Time

Pretty much everyone has heard this phrase at one time or another: “Take it one day at a time.” It’s advice that we might get at a yoga class, from a therapist, or a sympathetic friend. When we come into the rooms of recovery, we are likely to hear it more than ever before. Everybody […]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.